Love the freedom and flexibility of a road trip? We do, too! And anytime is one of the best times for active boomers to take a scenic driving adventure in the Great Southwestern states of New Mexico and Arizona. The weather is always nice and is easily accessible. By taking the major east-west Interstate 40, you’ll have a multitude of options to see the vast desert regions that offer unforgettable views, old-timey western towns, and fabled landscapes.

We start our adventure in Flagstaff, a small bustling small city in northern Arizona that seems much bigger than it is. Combining the vitality of a college town and the tranquility of surrounding forests, meadows, and mountains, it appeals to almost everyone.
Flagstaff is also an important gateway to the super-amazing geological wonders of the Grand Canyon National Park and the Monument Valley, both of which are side trips worthy in themselves!
However, for this trip across the desert, our plan is to make several stops along the way to do some boomer sightseeing, take a short detour off the freeway to get in some boomer hiking, and then be in Albuquerque, New Mexico in time for dinner!

Crossing the Arizona Desert
As we head east from Flagstaff on I-40, mountains in our rear-view mirror, we’re surrounded by the arid desert. Not completely desolate, though, because the interstate passes through several former movie star towns that haven’t changed much since their glory days.
One such place is the small railroad town of Winslow. You might decide not to stop, since it’s only 60 miles from your starting point in Flagstaff. But if you want to get a feel for the former glory days of the railroad and Route 66 eras, this towns offers a couple of sites that are boomer-worthy of exploring.

First, there’s the beautifully restored La Posada Hotel. Once the prestigious showplace of a wealthy railroad hotelier during the 1920s, it lives on as an oasis in the desert for Amtrak train travelers and road trippers, alike. Multiple vegetable, herb, and rose gardens, galleries, well-appointed lodgings, and the still-illustrious Turquoise Room are interesting places to imagine the lifestyles of the rich and famous from a bygone era of the expansion years.

Winslow’s other calling card isn’t historical at all. It’s a corner of the small downtown that’s dedicated to the Eagles’ song, “Take It Easy.” Complete with a flatbed Ford mural and Eagles’music playing in the background, it’s a popular spot for taking pictures or just “standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona.”
Standin’ on the corner in Winslow, Arizona Standin’ on the corner in Winslow, Arizona
Back on the road, you might find it difficult to decide where you want see the sights for your next stop. You could traipse the badlands of the Painted Desert or discover little known areas of the Petrified Forest National Park. Both are fascinating sites well worth your active boomer time!

Entering the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico
The freeway breezes through the countryside, occasionally aligning with narrow sections of the old Route 66 and past Native American farms and pueblos. In the background, pottery-colored mesas show off their soft desert colors of lavender, sand, rust, and coral, beautifully contrasting with the clear azure blue New Mexican sky.

It’s scenes like these that make for interesting focal points for boomer history buffs and photographers!
Gallup – A New Mexico Mecca
When you reach Gallup, you’re already more than half-way to your destination in Albuquerque. That means you have plenty of time to escape the freeway and see why this town is such an important Native American center.

Gallup is one of those must-see, culture-rich market places as fascinating any you’ll ever find in the Great Southwest. Once a thriving trading post, it continues to be the heart and soul of the Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni Native American community. Since it’s also the most populated city between Flagstaff and Albuquerque, it buzzes with activity.

The main street in town runs parallel to the railroad tracks and is lined with shops selling handmade products. Vibrant woven rugs, extraordinary silver and turquoise jewelry, hand-tooled leather products, art, and pottery. There’s a variety of marketplaces and stores, so it’s an artisan’s and shopper’s delight!

If you’re hungry for southwestern foods (think pinto beans, enchiladas, and fry bread), there’s nothing like refueling in a town like Gallup. The real dilemma comes when deciding which restaurant to choose. One of our favorites is the historic Hotel El Rancho, picture-worthy and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
After a filling lunch, you might want to wander the downtown area to see the inspiring murals, visit one of the many museums, or tour the historic McKinley County Court House’ art collection.
Murals located throughout Gallup’s downtown Murals located throughout Gallup’s downtown
Taking a Slight Detour in Grants
After leaving Gallup and driving about hour down the road, you’ll arrive in Grants. If you’re anything like us, you’ll probably be getting anxious to get out of the car and get some physical activity — like hiking!
That’s why you might like to take a detour from Interstate 40 and head south on State Highway 53. Just twenty-eight miles from the freeway is an amazing geological area called the Land of Fire and Ice. The “Fire” in the name refers to the area’s inactive volcano and the “Ice” is a clam-shaped spring used by early settlers in the region.

Debbie and Tracy will greet you in the original cabin-turned-office that was once the landowner’s rustic home. The ladies will provide you with a hiking map, which you won’t need because the trail is less than a half-mile long, and they’ll explain some history about the place.
As for the hike, it’s a bit of an incline going up to the top, but the trail is a wide graveled path. There are benches along the side so if you have time, savor the sights and smells of the fresh forest. Then, bid the ladies adieu, jump in the car, and head back towards the interstate. Without feeling like you’ve lost too much time, you’ll feel revived and your FitBit will love you!
Arriving in Albuquerque

The distance from Grants to Albuquerque takes a little more than an hour, so the afternoon soon will be setting in your rear-view mirror. This is the best time of day to arrive in Albuquerque because the lights of the city are just beginning to twinkle and the soft lighting makes the Sandia Mountain appear pink.
Traveling the interstate is a time saving way of seeing sights characteristic to this part of the US. But take off on one of the many state routes and you’ll discover a lot more . . . amazing ruins . . . unique terrain . . . and its own version of chili-infused food.

The Great Southwest has lots to offer so you might want to schedule in a little more time when you return. You’ll be glad you did, because the active boomer sightseeing, hiking, and exploring options are almost endless!
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