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Montalcino is an historic hiltop town in Tuscany, Italy

3 Favorite Hill Towns of Tuscany

Strolling the streets and passageways of our favorite hill towns of Tuscany gives one the sense of historic wonder and present-day commercialism at the same time. It is an astounding feeling to realize that you are standing on cobblestone streets that were chiseled out and carefully placed by workers centuries ago while peering in windows […]

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Shelli climbs the steps in Manarola, Italy

Our Trip to Italy’s Cinque Terre

Italy’s Cinque Terre on it’s Ligurian coast has been on our travel radar for several years.  Touted as having spectacular beaches and challenging hiking trails, we decided we really should see it for ourselves. This spring when we were in Turin (an overlooked but phenomenal city at the base of the Italian Alps), we hopped a […]

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