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Shelli at Picasso's Restaurant

The Learning Curve of Overseas Living

If you’re ever planning to live in a foreign country – either on a temporary basis or as a full-time resident – there will be many things to learn and deal with.  As US citizens, we are so blessed with many environmental, technological, and socio-economical advantages that populations the world over cannot even imagine.  So […]

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Boquete Panama-1

Exploring the Most Popular Expat Town in Panama

Another typical retirement community comprised mostly of North American expats . . . golf carts, fancy resorts, high-end dining . . . in a foreign country that’s “Americanized” because it has many of the conveniences of home . . . NOT! That description might be what some people expect Boquete, Panama to be like.  However, […]

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Purnta Paitilla

Our Arrival in Panama

Our Arrival in Panama Our morning started off with a continental breakfast; fresh-picked papaya and pineapple, a French baguette, and strong Panamanian coffee.  In the distance, sea-faring vessels are waiting their turn to go through the Canal.  Tropical breezes are pleasant, but in a few hours the billowy clouds will produce refreshing afternoon showers.  This […]

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Casares is one of the favorite whitewashed hill towns of Andalusia Spain

One Day — 5 Whitewashed Spanish Hill Towns

Whitewashed Spanish hill towns are light, they are bright, they are historic, they are the world-famous hill towns of the Andalusía Region of southern Spain. With their gleaming white-washed homes and businesses, noteworthy churches, ruins, and narrow streets leading to delightful shops, restaurants, and museums, they make a day trip by car a highlight for […]

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Shelli in Lauterbrunnen Valley Switzerland Square-1

Healthy Thinking for Baby Boomer and Retirees:

What if I can’t keep up with other family members while hiking the Jungfrau in the Bernese Alps? What if I’m not strong enough for kayaking the wild, wind-swept waves in Byron Bay, Australia? What if my husband and I can’t find anyone who speaks English in the jungles of Panama? What if we rent […]

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Montalcino is an historic hiltop town in Tuscany, Italy

3 Favorite Hill Towns of Tuscany

Strolling the streets and passageways of our favorite hill towns of Tuscany gives one the sense of historic wonder and present-day commercialism at the same time. It is an astounding feeling to realize that you are standing on cobblestone streets that were chiseled out and carefully placed by workers centuries ago while peering in windows […]

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