Recently, an article was published on the internet stating that fish and fish oils have been linked to an increased risk for developing certain types of cancer. Although this headline is disturbing enough, the article points out that these foods may have little (if any) benefit on heart disease – which is the main reason for eating fish! The final paragraph concluded by stating that fish and fish supplements may actually be harmful to overall health.
For many wellness-oriented persons, this is controversial news because fish and fish oil supplements have been touted for many years as being beneficial food sources. However, on a positive note, the article mentions briefly that plants, including vegetables and flaxseeds, do not impact cancer risk. Official results of this project were published this spring in a prestigious medical journal.
At the very least, the evidence of this study raises cautionary flags for those who believe fish is a healthier choice over red meat. It is also one more piece of evidence that promotes indirectly a plant-based diet. Now the question becomes whether or not to spend your hard-earned money on fish and fish oil supplements because it really could impact your health down the road – just not for the better!
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