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Purnta Paitilla

Our Arrival in Panama

Our Arrival in Panama Our morning started off with a continental breakfast; fresh-picked papaya and pineapple, a French baguette, and strong Panamanian coffee.  In the distance, sea-faring vessels are waiting their turn to go through the Canal.  Tropical breezes are pleasant, but in a few hours the billowy clouds will produce refreshing afternoon showers.  This […]

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Casares is one of the favorite whitewashed hill towns of Andalusia Spain

One Day — 5 Whitewashed Spanish Hill Towns

Whitewashed Spanish hill towns are light, they are bright, they are historic, they are the world-famous hill towns of the Andalusía Region of southern Spain. With their gleaming white-washed homes and businesses, noteworthy churches, ruins, and narrow streets leading to delightful shops, restaurants, and museums, they make a day trip by car a highlight for […]

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Shelli climbs the steps in Manarola, Italy

Our Trip to Italy’s Cinque Terre

Italy’s Cinque Terre on it’s Ligurian coast has been on our travel radar for several years.  Touted as having spectacular beaches and challenging hiking trails, we decided we really should see it for ourselves. This spring when we were in Turin (an overlooked but phenomenal city at the base of the Italian Alps), we hopped a […]

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This Playa sign sits behind the Tequila Factory on Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Playa del Carmen – A Coastal Beach Town South of Glitzy Cancun

Playa del Carmen is a bustling little city on the Caribbean coast on the Yucatan peninsula located mid-way between Cancun and the obscure little Village of Tulum.  Playa del Carmen seems to have qualities of both. The Little, Big City and its Famous Fifth Avenue Playa is small enough to be less expensive than its […]

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La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, originally, built in the 17th century by indigenous bricklayer Zeferino Gutierrez, is the current parish church of San Miguel. This emblem of the town, with its Neo-gothic façade and towers constructed in 1890 is unique in Mexico and one of the most photographed churches in the country.

The Mexican Colonial Favorite – San Miguel de Allende

Ron and I arrived in this Mexican colonial favorite – San Miguel de Allende after a four-hour bus ride from Mexico City.  Yes, we took a double-decker cross country bus!  Public transportation in Mexico is not what you might think. Here, buses run on-time, are modern, clean, and have bathrooms.  When you purchase tickets you […]

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This lone sail boat is tied off the end of the dock in this beautiful ocean scene.

Destination:  Experiencing An Epic Latin American Adventure

Next week, Ron and I will be heading out for a Latin American adventure to experience one of our long-dreamed-about destinations in Mexico and Latin America. We’re very excited about getting away for a few weeks on a Latin American adventure and exploring the cities, rainforests, and colonial highlands of three countries, Mexico, Costa Rica, […]

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Sightseeing on a Small Group Tour through Tuscany

On our recent trip to Italy, we had the good fortune of touring several towns on a tour through Tuscany with Walks of Italy. Upon our return, Shelli penned the following article, which was published 11/15/2017 at My Itchy Travel Feet. Here is an excerpt: “Learning about secret tunnels in the heart of Florence . […]

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