Macroeconomics is a term used to describe the study of large-scale economic systems. The studies are focused on determining how different areas of the economy impact other areas of the economy. Although most of us are not macroeconomists, it is not difficult to perceive that many areas of our national economy are being challenged. Whole […]
Archive | Finance

Preparing Ourselves for Changing Financial Times
Our nation is experiencing a economic uneasiness. Even without reading the news articles written about the Fed’s latest decisions or taking note of the formal indices and the latest trending patterns, there are signs of changing times and a heightened awareness of the financial climate. Many have lost their jobs, or their jobs are less secure than […]

Life in the fast lane is easier than ever! When we first became empty nesters, we were asked many times how we ever decided to make changes in our lives that we would both consider positive. Apparently by many peoples’ standards, it was not considered appealing to downsize and change our ways of doing things. Even as recently as […]