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Ron & Shelli on balcony in downtown Phoenix

Healthy Living Goals-Setting for 2014

Goals-setting for 2014, a common practice this time of year.  Most of us reflect on what we have accomplished the previous year and determine what we would accomplish in the next.  Although many people go through the process of setting goals and then forget or completely dismiss them, sometimes the process is very helpful and productive.  […]

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Looking Long and Hard!

What if that Happened to ME??

Have you noticed, or is it just me, how many servers at restaurants are senior citizens?  How about baggers at the local grocery store?  Does it seem that more and more people of retirement age are working in the service industry than there used to be?  It could just be my perception, but it appears […]

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Pension Plans, 401ks, and Savings Accounts

The economic environment seems to be undergoing significant changes, and the baby boomers are on the front lines.  For that segment of the population, the outlook is increasingly challenging because there is less time to prepare for whatever’s coming.  It is a certainty that we will all need to know how to navigate the road […]

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Designed at writtenFYI 2013

Continually Updated