Take a walk with me along Central Avenue in the Nob Hill district of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Central Ave is the historic Route 66 highway. We will view a few of the extraordinary pieces of street art sprayed on the buildings of Nob Hill.

Take a walk with me along Central Avenue in the Nob Hill district of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Central Ave is the historic Route 66 highway. We will view a few of the extraordinary pieces of street art sprayed on the buildings of Nob Hill.
Love the freedom and flexibility of a road trip? We do, too! And anytime is one of the best times for active boomers to take a scenic driving adventure in the Great Southwestern states of New Mexico and Arizona. The weather is always nice and is easily accessible. By taking the major east-west Interstate 40, […]
Exploring the Aztec Ruins, archaeologists crouch on their hands and knees in the heat of the day, delicately brushing the sand out of contours and grooves. The Aztec Ruins National Monument near Farmington, New Mexico is an ongoing archaeological dig site that dates back to the 12th century. The unearthing process is tedious and difficult, […]
“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” – Alan Keightley Like many people, my husband and I looked forward to retirement. But the more we thought about it over the years, it was beginning to seem like more […]
All aboard the historic Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, seemed to be the chant of the 1925 steam engine as it billowed out black and white smoke. Soot filtered through the air landing on anything in its way. Welcome to the colorful journey […]
New Mexico has some of the most scenic and diverse small towns in the United States, but sometimes you have to get off the interstate to see them. The town of Madrid (population about 300) is one of those places. Although it may not be as famous as other places in New Mexico, it has […]
We’re Back! Shelli and I just spent four days in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the 2015 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. A double blessing for us, daughter and family are located there. I have attached the following video to give you a glimpse of the beauty and uniqueness of this event. For best results, view in Full […]
Corrales, NM, is located on the north central edge of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Corrales is home to my daughter, son-in-law and two kids who reside on a hillside in the middle of a critter collection with spacious views. If you look to the north and east you have an unimpeded view of the Sandia Mountains […]
I thought it would be nice to post a short slideshow of the fireworks show in Albuquerque, New Mexico on July 4, 2015. These shots were captured from the backyard of my Son-in-law and daughters house in Corrales, NM. They sit up on a hill side overlooking the Fiesta Balloon Park where the annual Albuquerque […]
Every year, we spend at least two months with family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The photographic architecture, crisp clean air, strikingly bright blue skies, earthy smells of lavender and sage, and, of course, the Balloon Fiesta make this one of our favorite destination spots in the Great Southwest. But let’s not forget that one of […]
As the summer season winds down, most people are taking last minute family excursions. And many of them are planning a trip to the 43rd annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico. The dates for the event this year are Saturday, October 4th, through Sunday, October 12th. This hot air ballooning event is one of the […]
Heavenly smells of fresh-baked pastries wafting from the kitchen . . . the soft sounds of wind chimes in the garden . . . Victorian inspired cabinetry stocked with flowery dishes and graceful teapots. Guests lingering over morsels of goodness served on tiered china trays, each bite prepared according to preferences. The St. James Tearoom […]
New Mexico’s abundant wildlife is a huge part of the state’s attraction. Just to show some of the critters in our daughter’s backyard, Ron has posted a few photos of the quail families, the occasional roadrunner, soaring hawks, and various flowers. Many of these photos can be found […]
The scene is quite tranquil . . . the soft sounds of birds chirping . . . red plumed quail scampering across the path . . . cottonwood leaves fluttering in the breeze . . . beautiful blooming cacti. All experienced while biking the Bosque in Albuquerque. The Bosque is a Spanish word meaning “woodlands” […]
New Mexico, nicknamed the “Land of Enchantment” is beautiful and distinctive in so many ways! The turquoise and terra cotta combinations are infinite. The history, folklore, customs, and traditions make New Mexico a melting pot of diversity. It is a paradise for artisans, painters, and photographers who try to capture the essence of the Great […]
Taking a road trip from Arizona to New Mexico is a special treat. There are several ways to get there but we like to take the scenic through some of the most beautiful mountains in Arizona – YES, ARIZONA! It doesn’t add travel time to go through the mountains – unless, of course, you decide […]